RLine Possession Drill
This is a great transition drill to work in stick skills and team work.
3v3 to 7v7
This Is a great drill to help them to keep their spacing in the 3v3 and look to work the 2-player game options. In the clear, focus on marking up quickly to eliminate the easy feed to the outlet player up top. The transition to 7v7 is a great opportunity for them to work on recognizing whether they are in a fast break versus slow break situation based on the defense. The defense will emphasize their footwork and containing the 1v1 to the outside lane as well as communicating about the doubles/slides and seeing both ball and player on the back side.
Back to Back 3v3
This is a fun drill that can be vary competitive and promote creativity. It is a great way to get away from the standard drills and break things up a little bit. Especially if space is limited.
Split 3v3
This a great drill to work well with the space given to them and work well as a unit. Stick skills will improve and creative will grow through a drill like this.
3 Person Draw Game
There are few things more important in lacrosse than winning the 50/50 balls and knowing what to do it with after. This drill works on that skill and then some.
Fast Break Draw Controls
This is a great drill to gain control of the draws and convert the draw control wins into a quick goal.
4 pass to a 5v4 break
This is a traditional 5v4 drill with a bit of a twist. A great way to sneak some extra stick work in and maintain the next players in line attention. Especially at the earlier levels when we run these drills all the players do not touch the ball and therefore do not work on the most fundamental skill of the sport. No waiting! Once the one group ends the new 4 up top begin passing and the expectation will be set that the players down low will be ready in time.
High Five Shuffle Defensive reaction drill
The drill helps defenders to see their opponent’s stick/opportunities to throw checks and take the ball away while moving their feet. The emphasis is throwing checks without losing body positioning or selling out and getting beat if you miss. This is a great drill to use as a warm up for your defenders.
Full Field 2 balls 4 Middies Clearing drill
This is a fun transition drill that uses a lot of players. If you want to keep a lot of players occupied at once in a fun productive way then you must have this drill in your lacrosse playbook. This will focus on timing of cuts in transition, using all positions to get the ball up the field and communication through all levels. For this drill you will need 26 players, 2 balls, full field lined. Your players will learn communication, taking care of the ball, working together, nose to goal mentality, competitiveness, always looking to help your teammates out & awareness.
Receive the pass for a quick shot inside the 8 meter
This is a great drill to emphasize timing the feeds, getting open in the 8m with pressure on, defending inside the 8m, dodging, faking and shooting.
Full field 3v2 break
Fast-paced, continuous 3v2 drill on a shortened field that begins with a quick outlet pass from the goalie. This is a great drill to work on quick transitions off the clear while attacking/defending the fast break
One Player Advantage inside the 8 meter
A great player up drill to teach quick ball movement while attackers learn to maintain their space inside the 8 meter. Defense is working on communication and slides.
Color Hand Eye Drill
The goal is to focus on improving a center's ability to track and gain possession of the ball on the draw. This drill will help with hand eye coordination, quickness off the whistle, tracking, handling pressure, keeping head up to find the quick outlet. This drill looks to improve a players ability to track and gain possession of the ball off the draw. While it is premised for players who take the draw, it can easily be replicated with players on the circle as well.
3 goal draws
Emphasize getting a shot off quickly by limiting the amount of time they have to score. This is a great drill the works on the draw and the girls really seem to enjoy.
Middie Draw Game
Create chemistry within the draw team. The goal is for all three players to work together to win the draw then convert it to a man-up goal.
2 v 2 Circle ground ball dril
Hunger game is a very fun and fast drill that promotes competition. Your players will love it. This is a refreshing way to work on ground balls.
Fast Full Step Build Up Drill for Goalies
This drill is designed to slowly build up the technique and strength that the goalie needs to make full and quick steps out to the ball.
Cross Field Zig Zig Lines
This a great drill that can incorporate many players as they work on their sticks skills from many angles.
Criss Cross Passing
Warm up stick work drill that incorporates both passing, catching, communication and ground balls.
Side to Side Passing Shot Goalie Drill
Some of the best drills are the most simple ones. This is a great drill to work on quick lateral movement for your goalie.