The Substitution Box Drill
When I first started playing lacrosse at 12 years old, I was a defenseman, and I still remember the moment I got the ball, ran it up to the midfield line, and then—bam—it felt like I hit a brick wall. I froze, completely unsure of what to do next, even though I understood it in practice and could explain it perfectly on a whiteboard, because we had never actually practiced it in a live-game scenario.

Out and up clearing drill
This is a great drill to work on stick skills and/or as a warm up before your team gets going. Much better for defensive players stick work than conventional line drills.

Break Out Clearing Drill
This is a great drill to work on the fundamentals of passing when clearing the ball. This is one of those drills that has been part of the lacrosse coaches playbook for what seems like forever.

Break out and clear long passing drill
The idea is to use more of the field to make the passes longer while throwing to players breaking up the field much like in real games.