Fake Shot Drill for Women's Lacrosse: Improving Technique and Decision-Making

In women's lacrosse, the fake shot is an essential tool to deceive the goalie and create scoring opportunities. Players can manipulate the defense and goalie to gain an advantage, which enhances their chances of scoring. Here’s how to execute an effective fake shot and why it’s so important in the game.

  1. Lacrosse Stick Control and Starting Position
    Before performing fake shots, it's crucial to understand how to control the lacrosse stick with your hands. This is achieved by holding the stick correctly, gripping it with the base of your fingers and using your thumbs to control it. Having a solid grip allows you to move the stick with precision and agility.

Starting Position

  • Triple Threat Position: It’s important to begin in a position that allows you to shoot, pass, or fake a shot. This is the "triple-threat position," where you can execute any of these actions. The stick should be in front of you, with your arms slightly bent and your body prepared to move quickly.

  1. The Fake Shot: How to Execute It Properly
    The concept of an effective fake shot in women’s lacrosse is not just about moving the stick but also deceiving the goalie through a combination of subtle wrist, body, and stick movements. Here are the key steps to execute a successful fake shot:

Step 1: Fake Shot from the Shooting Position
One of the biggest differences between women’s and men’s lacrosse is how fake shots are executed. In women’s lacrosse, it's crucial to perform a fake shot without moving the stick too much. Unlike men’s lacrosse, where fake shots are usually broader, female players must ensure that after the fake shot, they can quickly return to the shooting position without losing time.

  • Starting Position: Start from the position where you would normally shoot. This is crucial because the goalie is watching how you position the stick, and if the fake shot is too exaggerated or different from your shooting posture, it will allow the goalie to adjust and be ready for the shot. The key is to make the movement as if it were a shot, without over-exaggerating the stick movement.

Step 2: Body and Wrist Movement
The fake shot is primarily done by moving your body and wrist. The fake should not be a large exaggeration, but rather a slight body adjustment and a subtle wrist movement. This movement deceives the goalie because it makes them think you're about to shoot, but you can immediately change the direction of the ball.

  • Wrist Movement: The wrist movement is crucial in an effective fake shot. You should make a small "hitch" or flick with your wrist that mimics a shot, but in a quick and efficient manner. This movement fools the goalie and misdirects the ball.

Step 3: Keep the Stick Under Control
When executing a fake shot, it's essential that the stick remains under control so that you can quickly perform the next move, whether it’s a pass or an actual shot. The fake shot should be quick enough to confuse the goalie, but not so exaggerated that the stick moves out of position, making it harder to shoot or pass the ball.

  • Finish with a Quick Pass or Shot: After performing the fake shot, be ready to shoot or pass quickly before the goalie has time to readjust. The fake shot should be subtle and fast enough that as soon as the goalie moves or changes position, you can immediately execute your next action (pass or shot).

  1. The Importance of the Fake Shot in the Game

  • Deceiving the Goalie:
    The fake shot allows you to deceive the goalie without overly complicated movements. By using your body, wrist, and stick in sync, you can mislead the goalie about the direction of the shot and execute the play more effectively.

  • Creating Opportunities:
    A good fake shot also gives you the opportunity to change the ball’s trajectory and avoid the goalie’s block. This is vital in high-pressure situations, where there is little space or time to make a decision.

  • Optimizing Time:
    In women’s lacrosse, it’s crucial that every move is quick and efficient. An effective fake shot saves time, giving you an advantage in situations where you need to react quickly to score or make a decisive pass.

Tips for Improving the Fake Shot in Women’s Lacrosse

  • Practice in front of a Mirror:
    As mentioned by the player in the video, practicing in front of a mirror can be helpful to perfect the wrist and body movements. This allows you to observe how your fake shots look and adjust the movement to make it more convincing.

  • Make Quick Fake Shots:
    The fake shot should not be a large or slow movement. It should be a quick and subtle move, just enough to deceive the goalie without losing control of the ball.

  • Vary Your Fake Shots:
    Experiment with different types of fake shots, such as fakes to one side or changes in direction, to keep the goalie guessing and create more opportunities for you or your teammates.

  • Always Keep Control of the Stick:
    Remember, stick control is crucial. The more control you have, the more effective your fake shots will be, and the easier it will be to make a pass or shot after the fake shot.

Fake shots are one of the most effective techniques in women’s lacrosse, especially when combined with good stick, wrist, and body control. By executing well-timed fake shots from the triple-threat position, you can deceive the goalie and improve your chances of scoring. Practice these fake shots regularly, and you’ll see significant improvement in your ability to face the goalie and, overall, in your ability to make quick decisions on the field.


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