Full field fast breaks with a trailor


Objective: Sharpen fast-break decision-making, defensive communication, and force a faster pace by adding a midfielder trailer to simulate a delayed transition.


Players: 3 attackmen, 3 defensemen, 1 goalie, and 2 lines of midfielders on each side.

1. Start the Drill:

Goalie Outlet: The goalie initiates the drill with an outlet pass to a midfielder (M1) in a line on one side of the field.

Cross-Field Pass: M1 then quickly passes the ball across the field to another midfielder (M2) on the opposite side.

Chase: Immediately after making the pass, M1 sprints upfield, chasing the play. This simulates a delayed transition, creating a temporary 4v3 fast break situation before M1 can join the play.

2. Offensive Transition (4v3):

Fast Break Execution: M2 initiates the fast break with 3 attackmen (A1, A2, A3), creating a 4v3 offensive advantage against the 3 defenders (D1, D2, D3).

Quick Ball Movement: Offensively, players must move the ball quickly and find the open player to create a high-percentage shot before the trailer (M1) arrives.

3. Defensive Transition:

Delay and Communication: The 3 defenders must communicate effectively to cover the fast break. Their primary objective is to slow down the offense, delaying the goal long enough for the trailing midfielder (M1) to catch up and even the numbers.

4. Trailer Catch-Up (4v4):

Time-Limited Advantage: The offense has a brief window to exploit the 4v3 before the trailer (M1) arrives, at which point the situation turns into a 4v4.

Whistle for Reset: If the trailer reaches the play, the coach blows the whistle after 5 seconds, signaling that the fast break opportunity has been lost. Upon the whistle, the goalie picks up the ball and immediately starts the next fast break going the other way.

5. Goalie Communication:

Directing the Defense: The goalie must actively communicate, calling out slides and defensive responsibilities to ensure proper coverage during the fast break and in the 4v4 transition.

6. Continuous Play:

Alternating Fast Breaks: Once the play concludes (goal, save, or turnover), the drill resets with the opposite team beginning a fast break in the opposite direction. The continuous nature of the drill ensures quick transitions and game-speed play.

Key Focus Areas:

Fast Decision-Making: Offensively, players must think quickly to exploit the 4v3 advantage and make smart, high-percentage plays before the trailer arrives.

Defensive Communication: The defense must work as a unit, communicate, and execute proper slides to handle the temporary numbers disadvantage and adjust as the trailer catches up.

Game-Speed Execution: All transitions, both offensive and defensive, must be executed at full speed to mimic game conditions.

Trailer Hustle: The trailer must sprint to even out the numbers, forcing the offense to finish quickly and applying pressure to the transition game.


Whistle Reset: The addition of a 5-second limit after the trailer arrives forces both offense and defense to react quickly to changing numbers, adding urgency and realism to the drill.

Trailer Chase: The chase mechanic adds a layer of pressure to both sides, encouraging hustle and situational awareness while simulating real-game transitions.

This enhanced drill provides a more dynamic simulation of fast-break scenarios, helping teams improve their transition play, communication, and decision-making under pressure.

Joseph Juter

Architect of Laxplaybook, globetrotter, and passionate strategist of the game we hold dear.


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