Top Right Slip Pick

This is a very simple technique that could be taught to your players. Especially if they come from a Basketball or Box Lacrosse Background. You could have call for this but the end goal would be for them to recognize when to do this on their own during live play.

When a player Slips, commonly known as a "Slip Screen" "Slip Pick" or "Slip Cut" is when a player sees that the defensive has left their assignment and looks to take a quick angle towards the basket. Often when an offensive player goes to set a screen their defensive player will help the man getting screened by hedging the screen.

Slip Pick

Man top right (#2) dodges off of a pick set by the crease-man (#3) then passes to player on the wing (#5).

The crease-man (#3) then rolls out, receives a pass then scores.

This works well because it opens up the crease forcing a longer slide and the defense-man who will need to help must be much more aware of the developing play.

This incorporates the deception of a slip pick and creates a great angle to receive a pass for a goal as opposed to if he received the pass from #2 after roll out as that would have been a tougher angle to catch and shoot the ball.

You can see this executed perfectly by Denver against Notre Dame in this clip…

Joseph Juter

Architect of Laxplaybook, globetrotter, and passionate strategist of the game we hold dear.

Scouting Defenses


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