2-3-1 Dodge Fill and Pick

If you teach the triangle motion offense out of a 2-3-1 set, (2middies up top)  this could be a nice extra wrinkle that incorporates a pick.  Many of us teach triangle motion, especially at the early stages which is a great way to introduce the idea of clearing space for your teammate when dodging.  It gives the players a clear set of principles to follow until they become more advanced and understand more how to maintain space without needing a structure to be put in.  Some very advanced teams maintain that structure depending on their philosophy.  However every once and while you want a pick to be set.   A pick is a direct contradiction to clearing space,  therefore this simple wrinkly may be a way to incorporate a pick without losing the premise of what you are trying to teach in this offense.

You could theoretically do this from any side as long as the players knew that when a rollback happens the closest a player on the other side of the player receiving the pass after the roll back should go set a pick.

Note: You can have this as a set play if you want, but personally my goal would be for them to be able to recognize when is the best opportunity to do this in the natural flow of the offense.

- Starts as a traditional alley dodge or sweep depending on the direction the dodger decides to go.
- When the dodger recognizes that the shot is not available he has 4 options.

  • send it to X

  • Hit the wing player making a backdoor cut to the crease

  • Keep running to open space and putt the ball out

  • Roll back to the player filling for the spot he came from.

-  Assuming he decides to roll back, the player filling in who is not at the top has 3 options
- Take a shot
- Keep the ball moving to the weak side
- Dodge towards  the weak side

- If he decides to dodge to the weak side the other player at the top would typically be taught to clear out to the crease in this situation.  But now you can teach him to set a pick if appropriate, incorporating a very quick 2-man game from the top of the key. .

Joseph Juter

Architect of Laxplaybook, globetrotter, and passionate strategist of the game we hold dear.


Kick Back Behind GLE to a off ball Pick on the Crease


Zone Breaker Double Cut with a Backside Curl Out of a Open Set